
Tonight we love caterina valente
Tonight we love caterina valente

In Baden-Baden the bandleader Kurt Edelhagen, who is engaged with the Südwestfunk, heard the songs and recognized the singer's exceptional talent.

tonight we love caterina valente

Caterina's husband sent the recordings to German radio stations with Linder's permission. During a tour with the circus of the famous clown Grock, in which she appeared as a singer, the singer received an offer from Walo Linder, head of the entertainment department of Radio Zürich, in April 1953: he wanted to produce some songs of her choice for radio. Scholz had worked successfully as a juggler under the name Eric van Aro before taking over the management of his wife. In November 1952 Caterina Valente and the German artist Gerd Scholz got married in Berchtesgaden. Thus a promising project with brother Silvio and the young Gilbert Bécaud failed and a guest performance in a Paris club ended after only one evening, because the young singer had also been asked for animation services. On her way to her solo career, Caterina had to break the fierce resistance of her parents, and she had to cope with additional disappointments. In her autobiography'Bonjour, Katrin!' published in 1985, Caterina Valente describes the often very hard years of war and the early post-war years very impressively. The forced departure to Italy meant for the children that they learned the language of the country in which their parents were born. The Valentes were not allowed to return to Paris because Maria and Giuseppe Valente were Italian-born, the family had Italian citizenship. When World War II broke out in September 1939, the Valente family was in Switzerland for a guest performance and, like all foreigners, were expelled by the authorities. She was five years old, danced in a ballet costume - a white tutu - and sang a song in French. Here daughter Caterina was allowed on stage for the first time. Maria Valente and her husband, an accordion virtuoso, also performed in important German variety theatres: the Hansa-Theater in Hamburg, the Scala in Berlin and the Friedrichsbau-Theater in Stuttgart. She admired her mother's versatility, perfection and great comedic talent.

tonight we love caterina valente

So they stayed in Paris, where the youngest daughter of Maria and Giuseppe was born on 14 January 1931: Caterina. The stock market crash prevented these plans, because the Valente family, like so many others, lost all their savings. Maria Valente was successful as a variety star on the world's major stages and was so well-known in the USA that she wanted to live and work with her family there. Octowas a'black Friday' for Maria and Giuseppe Valente, who had lived in Paris with their three children Nina, Pietro and Silvio since 1924.

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  • Tonight we love caterina valente